Это важно

Друзья! прошу принять во внимание, что все, написанное в данном журнале, является моим частным мнением, не имеющим отношения к какой-либо организации или компании. Кроме того, я не использую и не публикую в данном журнале информацию, полученную при выполнении своих должностных обязанностей.

вторник, 20 декабря 2011 г.

Про ребрендинг

Нашел замечательную публикацию, которая стала основой для статьи "Rebranding" в англоязычной Wikipedia. Многое стало на свои места. Делюсь с вами :)

Цитата из вступления.

"As pointed out already, the term “rebranding” has been widely used in the business
press (Jarvis, 2001; Lentschner, 2001; Brook, 2002; Harrison, 2002; McGurk, 2002;
Dickson, 2003) and scarcely at all in academic publications (Griffin, 2002; Kaikati, 2003;
Stuart and Muzellec, 2004). As often happens when a new term emerges, it is well
established in popular usage before the academic community takes the time to codify
it. In the case of rebranding, there is by now sufficient evidence to suggest that this is a
significant phenomenon that merits academic attention.
The word “rebrand” is a neologism, which is made up of two well-defined terms: re
and brand. Re is the prefix to ordinary verbs of action sometimes meaning “again” or
“anew”, implying that the action is done a second time. A traditional definition of a
brand proposed by the American Marketing Association is “a name, term, symbol,
design or a combination of them intended to identify goods or services of one seller or a
group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors”. This definition
focuses on the firm’s input activity of differentiating by means of name and visual
identity devices (de Chernatony and Dall’Olmo Riley, 1998). Although limiting, it
corresponds to the rebranding process as described in the business press. A possible
characterisation of rebranding is therefore the creation of a new name, term, symbol,
design or a combination of them for an established brand with the intention of
developing a differentiated (new) position in the mind of stakeholders and competitors.
The first part of the description refers to changes in marketing aesthetics and the
question arises as to whether all elements must be changed, or only some of them, to
merit the label “rebranding”. There is indeed a continuum in rebranding from the
evolutionary modification of the logos and slogan to the revolutionary creation of a
new name (Stuart and Muzellec, 2004). Because changes in marketing aesthetics can be
quite subtle and difficult to apprehend, the name change variable is used as an
indication of rebranding. The focus of this study is therefore on rebranding involving a
radical change in marketing aesthetics, i.e. a name change.
The second part of the definition relates to the positioning of the brand and whether
it changes or stays the same in the course of the rebranding. Sometimes an external
factor such as a change in the regulatory environment does not necessarily imply any
change in the positioning of the firm. In this case, the rebranding effort may be simply
to re-establish the brand. However, many name changes are invoked with the express
purpose of altering the image of the existing brand and, therefore, repositioning may be
considered a key element of the rebranding exercise."